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Climate Diplomacy Week 2018 - Highlights

It’s that time of the year: once again the Climate Diplomacy Week provided the space for EU delegations around the world to engage with communities and partner organisations on issues of climate change.

Last year the #ClimaDiplo Week was extended to two weeks because there was just too much to do and too little time. This year the EU was prepared for the heightened interest in the topic and decided to host two climate diplomacy weeks. Now enjoy the highlights from the first week and make sure to follow the second week from 24-30 September 2018.

Just like last year, we started the Climate Diplomacy week 2018 by answering a simple but very important question: What exactly is climate diplomacy? This explanatory video packed with insights from high-level experts explains the concept.

See you for the second part of the Climate Diplomacy Week 2018 in September!